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Joomla or WordPress: Choosing a CMS That?s Right For You

They often get confused when choosing a right content?management?system for their website. You can find a ton of reviews and articles about both Joomla and?WordPress. These are the two best and most popular CMS platforms for your website.?WordPress and Joomla both are considered largely safe, it has been observed that most of the security issues and vulnerabilities arise from the plug-ins and extensions that are developed by the third-party.?They are inspiring content management systems which help managing website application by using the same layouts.

Overview of Joomla

Joomla is an award-winning CMS which is helpful in building a website with strong capabilities was first released in 2005. Many web developers swear by?Joomla's?potential to basically do anything a user want. Joomla strictly does have a much deeper module core, even in its default, out-of-the-box-package.

Overview of WordPress

WordPress was originally designed as a blogging platform was began as a forked project in 2003, which later?evolved or took on features that enables it to work as a full content?management?system.?Nowadays, WordPress is responsible for the success of thousands of online?startups.

Fight for Best Content Management System

Joomla and WordPress both are excellent CMS solution for running any type or size of website. Both are having its own value, and its depends upon your?particular?need. Working with Joomla could be a bit complicated for you in?comparison?with WordPress. Also you will get less articles and tutorial on Joomla as comparing to WordPress.

If you are going to run a new website and confused which one will be best for you then first you should acknowledge your requirements. You have to be understood?whether?you want it for blogging, a small website with few pages or an extensive website with the bunch of features. 

Joomla make use of three kind of items such as plugins, modules and components while WordPress uses plugins and widgets. In fact, Joomla's components have an extra piece of software which has their own control panel to handle the different options within such a function.?WordPress?have such plugins that do functioning likewise the plugins of Joomla. 

Web designers like to use Joomla because it can create both fantastic looking websites, complete with multi-level, collapsible menus, and modules that can be placed anywhere on the site, similarly to widgets.?Developers like Joomla because it has a powerful API, so that it can easily integrate into other systems, additional or pre-existing software, and applications from other software manufacturers. 

WordPress is an old player and has made it so easy to start, run and manage your website without having much deep knowledge of web?developing?or coding. You can easily find a bunch of tutorial on WordPress, thousands of free plugins. 

For me, I always prefer to use WordPress over Joomla. It save my time, easy to editable, flexible, free to use and SEO Friendly. According to my?personal?experience?here are the list that will help you to choose right CMS for you.

  • Blogging: Wordpress
  • Small Website: Wordpress
  • Extensive Website: Joomla
  • Large Community Website: Wordpress and Joomla
  • e-Commerce Website: Joomla
Considering the above discussion, it is apparent that both content management systems are quintessential. Although they are prone to certain flaws, they can be secured by applying various features and concepts in an effective manner. In fact,?there is no right or wrong CMS in the general sense. 

There is only what is best for your business and website. For large corporations or businesses that need room for growth,?customization,? flexibility and multi-level user access in various website areas, Joomla might be the better way to go, so long as website managers take the time to apply SEO where necessary, since Joomla does not come optimized for search, right out of the box. For those who want to self-manage their CMS, need a certain level or network of administrative users, organic SEO friendliness, and can benefit from the simplicity it offers, WordPress is the way to go.
